Thursday, April 23, 2015

Long Time No Post

Well hey friends!

It has been a long time since I have posted on here.  I have Bern so focused on my new planner blog I have sadly neglected this one.

What's been happening you may ask?

I am moving.  My friend is getting a condo and I am going to rent from her.  I am going to be moving probably late July early August is what it is looking like.  But who knows.

My sister's car was stolen...again.  They found it today....again.

Um...I am still working in the temple on Tuesday nights.  I am the Dressing Room coordinator.  I basically run around the dressing room doing odds and ends.

I think that's about it.

Sorry no pictures.  Don't have a lot going on.

If you want to check out my newest blog about planners and such click here.

Thanks for reading!

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