Saturday, December 2, 2017

Flying High In the Sky

Wow.  I am a horrible blogger!!  I am just going to start with my flight experience and may be work back...

I have a friend in the ward who is a pilot.  In the absence of his girlfriend he kindly invited me to go up with him for a night flight.  It was probably the most exciting and amazing experience to date.  My poor roommate and co workers had to deal with me being so elated and giddy for a couple of days.

We went to the airport and walked up to the plane.  To be honest that was the only time I was really nervous.

At the airport.

A shot in the hanger. Our plane is the
 one with the bag on it.

The pilot pulled the plane out of the hanger.  I was thinking, ok this is crazy that the pilot is pulling the plane out with his hands.  Lol. 

We then got in the plane.  I had a hard time getting the seatbelt on.  Lol.  It was like a baby car seat but a little more complex...or may be I am just an idiot.  Lol.

We then took off.  It was such an exciting thing to be up there especially in December....close enough to December.  The lights were incredible.  People have asked me if I was scared at all being in the air during the night in a small plane.  The only time I was nervous is like I mentioned above...when we got up to the plane.

Here are some shots I took of the area.

Payson Temple

Not sure where this is at...

Spanish Fork Festival of Lights

Looking North over Utah Valley

It was such an amazing trip.  I was so very happy and beyond words excited to be up in the air like that.  I will try to load a video...

Thank you so much to my friend Captain Olsen for the most amazing experience of my life!

So happy after a fabulous flight!

A full shot of the Diamond Katana we flew.

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