Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Happy Birthday Jennie

So Jennie's birthday was on October 29.  Can you tell who more so was the center of attention by these pictures?  Little K of course.  She would throw each present aside when Jennie would open them and try to open the next one.  We spent more time laughing at her.  

Jennie chose to have BBQ beef for her birthday dinner.  That was pretty yummy (and I don't like BBQ I know what's wrong with me?).  We watched her...well Little K....Open her presents.  Then we had cheese cake (Jennie's choice of birthday cake) and watched the family video of her being born. 

I think Jennie had a pretty good birthday.  Just assuming.  I can't believe my baby sister is growing up!  She will always be my baby sista.  Love ya Jenn!

We told Little K to lick the candles.

Helping Jennie open her gifts.

A little video for ya.

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