Wednesday, November 5, 2014

October Review

This month was fairly busy.  A few big events.  My sister Jennie went through the Draper temple to receive her Endowments.  That was a neat experience as our whole family was able to go.  

We also went to the cabin.  That was a fun trip.  Everything was pretty much dead as far as the trees and plants and things.  It was deer hunting season as well that weekend.  It was also UEA break for Alpine School District.  

At the beginning of October was General Conference.  I always look forward to that.  Getting spiritually filled.  It was different this time as the general authorities were able to speak in their native language.  

I went to a corn maze with some friends.  I posted that a few posts ago (now that's  proper english...).  

Let's see what else?  On Halloween I went to a party at my friend's house.  That was fun.  :)  there was Poison Ivy (the super hero), a Steam punk Red Riding Hood, a gypsy (I think).  There were a few other things too.  
I left the party early and went to Meet the Mormons with a couple other friends.  

So that was October.  As far as getting things done I will be honest I have been pretty lazy.  My goals have slacked off as well.  So hopefully I will do better in November.

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