Thursday, September 11, 2014

Filofax Week Review

Hey Ya'll!

So as mentioned last post I have jumped on the filofax decorating bandwagon.  I thought I would share with you my weeks as they come about and see how it goes.
As a disclaimer, the ideas of decorating are not my own.   I would like to give full credit to for the inspiration and advice on materials.  She has a lot of decorating ideas and advice on how to get started and such.

So here are pictures of this week:

As for the materials I used:
*Not paid to mention these names just linking where I got them.*

Washi tape from  Michaels
The planNerd clear stamp set from BellaCreations
The Dew Drop Ink pads Michaels
Labels from Staples
Frixion pens ordered from Amazon
Post it Flags from Staples

I believe that is it!  Any other questions feel free to ask!  I am in no way a professional crafter.  I am certainly a beginner.  But I am really enjoying this so far!
Hope you enjoy!

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