Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Jackson/Bear Lake 2014

Tuesday July 1
Jenn arrived at my work around 2 pm at which time I had gotten off.  We then left from there to head to Jackson.  We were very excited to head out finally!  Yes we go to Jackson pretty much every year.  But I know for me I LOVE that area.

Jenn and I ready for the trip!

Having fun!

We arrived around 5:30-6pm.  Momm and dad had been camping there for a week prior.
When we arrived we had dinner, cleaned up and played a game.  Yes I Cara played a game.

Wednesday July 2

Got up, had breakfast and got ready for the river.  Even momm came on this trip down with us!  It was a good run!  
Dadd had the en genius plan to load the boat from the side of the truck instead of the back!  It made it so much easier.  Last year dad had fallen off the back of the truck and broke his thumb.  So this year loading it from the side was so much much easier!!!  Plus we had the help of some very kind rafters.

We got back to camp, had some lunch then went on the river again.  Just dadd, Jenn and I.

A man in his natural habitat.

Floating on the flat part.

On our way through Big (or not so big) Kahoona.


Thursday July 3

Got up, ate breakfast (imagine that), got ready for the river.  We went on a good morning run.  Well more like mid afternoon.  
Samm, Amy and K arrived around 3:45pm.  Once they got everything set up we took everyone on the flat part.  K loved it.  
It was really fun however it started raining so we pulled off just below camp.  

This is what Grandpa has been waiting for!

That evening we had a moose come through our camp!  It was a thrill to see.  K was SO excited!  She kept saying  "moosh!  Moosh!"  And wanted to go find it.  Lol.

Friday July 4

We yup you guessed it.  Got up, ate breakfast and got ready for a morning run.  For some reason this time I freaked out on the rapid.  But it was still super fun!

That afternoon we took everyone on the flat part again.  We dropped Amy, Momm and K off at camp while the rest of us went down.  It was VERY busy at the ramp.  There were a lot of people drunk as well which created some interesting people watching and traffic control.
including my parent's truck getting scraped up by a drunk driver.  Long story.

After we got the boat loaded momm and Dadd took care of the incident.   Us kids went back to camp and cleaned ourselves up and headed into town.  Momm and Dadd met us and we went to dinner at Bubba's.   It actually was not as good as it used to be.  We were all rather disappointed.   
After dinner we met up with a friend of Amy's and watched an amazing firework show.  
We were all pretty tired after that.  We headed back to camp and went to bed.

Playing in the bike rack.  Had a great time.

She might have gotten into the bike chain...

Waiting in line for dinner with these amazing women.

Having a great time at dinner!  

Saturday July 5
We got up and packed the trailor.  Then we headed off to Bear Lake.
K had a great time!  She played and played and played as we all did.  I don't know who had more fun!
We packed up around 7:30.  We pulled into a KOA campground.  Jenn and I took a shower.  Then we all went to dinner at Bear Lake Pizza.  It was so nummy nummy good.
We were going to get Raspberry shakes but it was so busy we just passed on that for this year.

Having a great time!
Never too old to play in the mud.

Sunday July 6
We got up.  Packed.  Headed to church down the street we got turned away because it was so busy!  Lol.  So we went up the street to Paris Idaho.  That was still very busy but we were able to get into Sacrament meeting.  Afterword we all headed home.  
It was a great trip and I am very glad and grateful to my parents for working so hard for us to be able to go on these fun trips!

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