Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My Filofax

Hello.   My name is Cara and I am a Planner addict.  
So I have used planners my entire life.   I've always been a paper, pen,  planner type person.   I just LOVE office supplies. If I worked at Staples or Office Depot I would never have a pay check.

I am also a YouTube Junkie.   I watch organization videos and make up videos.   I Love watching how people have set up their planners.
One planner that kept piping up was the filofax brand.  I thought Oh there is nothing so great about it.   I can use any planner.   While this is still true I did end up buying a personal size Metropol on Amazon.


It came and it is indeed a very nice planet.   Will I go and buy ten?   No probably not.   But it is a nice planner.

Anyway.   So here are the pictures of my set up filofax.

I will need to explain first then the pictures as my phone won't allow me to expand underneath the picture directly.
So if the order of the explication is off from the picture I apologize.   It is what it is!   Lol!

Shoot of the whole planner from the front.

Side View.   I LOVE that it has TWO pen loops.

Top view with my tabs.

First fly leaf which is actually a page protector.

Next view my mission statement on a homemade flyleaf.

Goals and a quote.

7. Sticky notes (I might have a slight addiction to these as well.

My color code system (comes in handy in the calender section).

A pocket insert (from Day Runner bought at Staples) with stickers.

A pen loop insert also from Staples.

Monthly tasks.   Pages are printed from mylifeallinoneplace

Month on two pages ordered from Amazon. 
I use the color code system here.   Then once I attend an event it gets highlighted in yellow.  I have used a bit of washi tape to decorate.   Notice not too much though.

Week on two pages also ordered from Amazon.  
I used a system similar to a girl on YouTube.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XLlCbPxPRs&feature=youtube_gdata_player
If you watch her video you can understand the system better.
Basically I put tasks vertically in three categories: projects, network, and actions.   Then they are organized horizontally by what time of day I need to do them.   Appointment times go at the top.   Any extra notes go in my essential sections.
Done items marked with a black line.   Not done marked with a red line and an arrow to move to next day.   Deleted double lined.

I also try to journal a bit.

Essential sections.

Notes.   Everything and anything.  I have a routine guideline for the day and the week.

Menu.   I used the small post it flags from Staples.
Orange is pasta dishes
Purple is hamburger
Pink is chicken

Holiday.   I have a packing list.   Birthday last.   Holiday planning list.   Etc.

Flylady/cleaning.   Has the zones for each week. 

Sticky notes are my shopping list.   Green paper is the list of what I need vs what I already have from the recipe.

Budget sheets.   Also from previous blog.

More sticky notes (I seriously have a problem. 

Mark it dots.   Also from Amazon.

And that is it folks! 
Hope you enjoyed!

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