Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

This was a fun year of giving thanks.

Here is how the day went:

6:30am got up
7am left for race
8am began race
8:47am finished race
9am:got home.  Could barely move.
10am-12:30pm watched Toy Story 3 with fam
1pm at Aunt L and Uncle B for Thanksgiving Dinner. Had a great time eating and playing games.
4pm: home for a nap
7pm: set up Christmas tree at mom and dad's

It was a fun day as I mentioned.
I am so grateful for everything that I have.  It would take many posts to list off what I am grateful for. 
Here are just a few things:
My family
My true closest friends
A warm pretty home

And as usual here are some pictures.

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