Sunday, September 5, 2010

I Believe in Christ

So, today I gave the lesson in RS. I compaired my goal of being able to running a 5k and hiking Timp with out stopping to enduring in the gospel. I have had a few experiences lately that have made me realize how important it is to stay true and active in the gospel. I know that this church is true. This church is the only way back to our Heavenly Father. It is not worth giving up the gospel becuase we aren't getting what we want right away. I have been struggling being single. It's a hard thing sometimes. But I know that the Lord is with me every step of the way. I can make it through. Like my running there are some hard times. When I run I get very bad shin splints. Sometimes I don'thtink that I can go on. But I do. Something pushes me on. Just like the gospel. Why give it up for something that you can't get right now? The gospel is worth staying involved and holding on.
I know that the gospel is true. I know that Jesus Christ is real. He loves each one of us. I know that reading the scriptures can and will bring the spirit into our lives. We have a purpose in this life. We have a plan that Heavenly Father has given us. He wants us to return to Him. He wants us to work on becoming like Him. He loves us so much. He wants us to take advantage of the Savior so we can become better.
I haven't reached the goal that I want to be at with my running. I haven't reached my goal of being with my Heavenly Father for eternity, but I can continue to work on it. I know I can work on both goals with faith. I know that I can do what it takes to make it. I know with the Lord I can make it.
That is my testimony.

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