Friday, October 18, 2013

Cabin Fall 2013

On Thursday October 10 mom, dad, J and I finally got to the cabin in the late afternoon.  Mom and dad had a wedding to go to in the morning.  They got home and packed then we finally headed out.  It was a rather wet and rainy day.  Once we got up to Fairview city it started snowing.

That night mom made us Navajo tacos because she forgot the meat for frito tias.  Lol!  Then we watched The Legand of Johnny Lingo on dad's lap top.  We got ready for bed and us girls talked about Elementary days for a good hour at least.  We laughed and giggled about that.  Then J and I watched Pitch Perfect on my Tablet.  I fell asleep.

The next morning was a bit warmer.  Abour an inch of snow on the ground.  Dad and I went for a very muddy fourwheel ride.  Mom and J played card games.  I played around on my phone and tablet.  Dad worked on the bathroom.

S, A and K came around 7:30pm.  The rest of the family played games (I was a stick in the mud).  K entertained us for a while.  A had brought up the meat so we had Fritotias.  Yum.
Went to bed.

Saturday went on some rides.  Cleaned up the cabin and got home.  It was a good trip.  Way too short.

We also found some remnants of dear Diana in the cabin as the pictures will show.  There are also pictures of the beautiful fall colors.

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