Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Goal Updates

Goals so far? Well, not too great.
What were my goals?

1.> Loose 30 pounds by September

So far I have not been doing that great. I have been trying to make better choices in what I eat. I have also been trying not to eat out as much. I did pretty well exercising for a week. But I am not a morning person and I have been struggling a bit. I am going to really try hard to not eat out as much this week and not drink Dr. Pepper.

2.> Read the New Testament

I have read a few pages. So far I have been trying to read the lesson a head of time for Gospel Doctrine. I actually studied it a bit last week. It was pretty helpful as I went to church and listened to the lesson. I was able to make some better comments because I had studied the lesson.

3.> Get on FB once a month.

Yeah, that hasn't been going to good. I get on almost once a day sometimes multiple times a day. I think I need to get rid of the app on my phone. That would probably help. I am just sick of everyone getting in everyone's business on FB and it getting so personal on FB. I spend too much time on FB when I could be doing other things like exercising perhapbs! :)

Anyway, I know it hasn't been too far into the year, but so far I'm not doing too well on my goals.
What are your goals?

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