Wednesday, February 7, 2018

St. George

So my friend David/Dave and I decided to chase some warmth one Saturday.  We left my place around 9:15am and drove down to St. George.  

We stopped in Beaver to get some cheese.  The Beavers were saying hello.

Our first stop was the Brigham Young winter home.

This was a little desert garden.

My friend David and i

Me on top of the red rock with St. George in the background.

The next few photos are of our drive to Mesquite to a casino for a buffet.

Overall it was a really great little day trip.  It felt good to sit in the warm sun on the red rock. 

Sunday, December 24, 2017


On Friday December 22, 2017 I went with a couple of my friends to Luminaria at Thanksgiving Point.  It was really interesting.  Here are some pictures.  I have a video of which I will link as well. Ps: the photos are not in the right order we saw them. 
Luminaria Video

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Life Updates

So, I figured after writing about my fabulous flight I should probably update on a few things since my last post (before the flight) was almost three years ago.

I am no longer working at the temple.  That was such an amazing experience and I highly recommend it to anyone who can.  I learned so much from working with the fabulous people there.

I have been living with a great roommate in a small townhome.  It has been so fun.  We get along really great. She hasn't thrown me out yet...

I am working at a publishing company as a data entry clerk.  I have really been enjoying it.  I plan on being there as long as possible.  I have been there since June 2015.  

I now have 2 neices and a nephew who I adore. 

My parents moved out of my childhood home when I moved where I am at now.  In fact that is the reason I am loving where I am.  It was a hard thing to learn they were moving.  But they seem to enjoy their new home.  My dad is in the Stake Presidency at BYU.  My mom is in the RS presidency there as well. 

Other then that I just enjoy the same old same old.  Planners, rafting, camping, watching movies.  

I am currently the ward  choir pianist and co pianist in RS in my mid singles ward.

I have been working on loosing some weight and getting in shape.  Not hard core but enough to loose twn pounds!  It's been so exciting to see results and feel so much better about myself and be able to be healthier in life.  I still have a long way to go but it's been great.  I have a training group that I go to twice a week.  It kicks butt and I am usually sorry after but it's been worth it as I see myself slimming down.

I have been doing a bit of online dating.  Nothing has happened but I still into it every once in a while.

That's about it.  Hope you are doing well!